The student dictates the educational methodology


The student dictates the educational methodology 1Educators have moved away from the one-size-fits-all education format from the industrial era and have taken several approaches to educational methodologies. These strategies are implemented and tailored for diverse learners, including those with special needs, accelerated learning abilities, and the potential for lifelong learning. These approaches effectively enable students to acquire knowledge, demonstrate mastery of the material, and become informed citizens.

Some educational methodologies currently being used in schools and universities include:

  • Blended/hybrid learning.
  • Flipped learning.
  • Project-/problem-based learning.
  • Inquiry-based learning.
  • Personalized learning.

Alternative educational methods focus more on “learning by doing,” such as game-based and collaborative learning.

These alternative methods can help students learn more effectively and engage, enabling them to gain knowledge and skills that can be used in real-life situations.

Blended/hybrid learning (BHL)

A blended hybrid methodology combines traditional and online learning approaches. This type of learning is becoming increasingly popular because it allows participants to take advantage of the efficiency and convenience of online learning combined with the interaction and social aspects of face-to-face learning.

The blended hybrid methodology utilizes various components of online learning, such as:

  • Web-based lectures.
  • Online activities.
  • Virtual discussions.
  • Online tests.

BHL also has components from traditional face-to-face learning, such as lectures, small group activities, and open discussions.

This approach is often used to provide flexibility and convenience to learners. Additionally, using a blended hybrid methodology can help bring together different learning styles and cater to the diverse needs of learners.

Flipped learning

Flipped learning is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside the classroom. This allows students to spend more time engaging in activities, collaborating, and applying their knowledge in school. Flipped learning allows teachers to tailor instruction to the individual needs of their students and creates an environment of active and engaged learning.

This type of learning strategy has many advantages for both students and educators.

Students can access instructional materials at their own pace, become more actively engaged in their learning, watch lectures and tutorials at home or on their commute, and free up valuable class time for deeper discussions and meaningful activities.

Flipped learning also helps teachers understand their students’ different learning styles, enabling them to customize instruction to meet their needs.

Teachers can also manage their workload more efficiently. With more interactive, student-led activities during class, teachers can spend less time designing and preparing long lectures, which can be time-consuming. That leaves more time for teachers to focus on giving individual feedback and tracking student progress. Additionally, flipped learning encourages collaboration in the classroom with activities that promote peer learning and problem-solving.

Different learning methodologies can be taught online by accredited schools such as Exeter. The MA in Education provides in-depth lessons on various methods virtually and in a flexible schedule. This format is perfect for those already working and wanting to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Game-based learning (GBL)

Game-based learning is a type of educational system that uses games or game-like simulations to teach and engage students in learning. It is based on the idea that learning is more effective when students actively participate and engage in learning.

GBL can be used in many different fields of study and has been found to:

  • Significantly improve student engagement.
  • Aid in knowledge retention.
  • Boost overall academic performance.
  • Improve problem-solving skills.
  • Encourage students to think critically.
  • Solve problems in a collaborative environment.
  • Be tailored to the interests of the students.

In addition to its benefits, game-based learning has also been found to help create a positive classroom environment. This can improve social relationships between classmates, foster empathy, and motivate students to keep learning. Furthermore, game-based learning can enable students to work on projects together, which can help them develop collaborative skills. It can also allow students to work in the virtual world and create something unique.

Project problem-based learning (PBL)

Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching approach that involves students in hands-on, real-world problem-solving. It consists of assigning students complex and open-ended problems to solve. Through this process, students use research, organization, cooperation, and communication skills to tackle issues; they also develop critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

PBL can be used in any subject area—math, science, language arts, art, music, etc. It helps students gain knowledge, proficiency, and fluency in the subject and build critical life skills. Students may also get the opportunity to delve into topics that may be more engaging and applicable to their lives. PBL’s goals and objectives may align with the school system’s expectations or expected state outcomes.

PBL is also a great tool for teaching students how to collaborate and work well together, both online and in person. It allows students to take ownership of their learning and encourages creativity, problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking. Moreover, real-world problems are simulated, and the lessons learned can be applied outside the classroom.

Inquiry-based learning (IBL)

Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is an educational approach emphasizing the student’s role in constructing knowledge and understanding. This approach encourages students to think critically, ask meaningful questions, and actively participate in their learning. It promotes collaboration, problem-solving, and the development of independent thinking.

IBL emphasizes how knowledge is acquired rather than the knowledge itself. Through inquiry-based learning, students learn to work collaboratively, think critically, and solve problems creatively. They are motivated to question and explore, develop hypotheses, solve issues, and use data and evidence to arrive at conclusions. In addition, inquiry-based learning has been shown to increase student engagement, strengthen problem-solving skills, and improve overall academic performance.

Inquiry-based learning enables teachers to create a learning environment that is far more engaging and meaningful than traditional instruction. Studies have shown that students are more likely to remember and understand content when actively participating in the learning process rather than passively listening to lectures or presentations. Inquiry-based learning encourages students to think for themselves and be responsible for their knowledge. It also fosters student collaboration and communication and helps students become more self-directed learners.

Personalized learning

Personalized learning is a teaching method that tailors instruction to each learner’s needs, interests, and styles. This type of learning focuses on providing personalized attention and learning experiences to individual students. It allows students to customize their learning best to fit their interests, abilities, and needs to excel in the learning process.

In personalized learning, teachers create an environment where students can access an individual learning plan. This plan may be adapted to suit each student’s unique learning needs, preferences, aptitudes, and interests. The method may include various activities such as lectures, discussions, experiential learning, practice, projects, and assignments.

Personalized learning puts the power of learning in the hands of each student, allowing them to develop to their fullest potential. Giving students the freedom to choose their path and activities increases their engagement and motivation and encourages deeper learning. It also enables them to take ownership of their knowledge and to direct it to meet their goals.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is a teaching strategy that encourages students to work together in groups or pairs to build on each other’s knowledge. It focuses on the idea that knowledge is created when people share their views and opinions. It encourages the exchange of ideas and activities while supporting social development.

Collaborative learning is an important part of many school curricula because it encourages students to think critically and use problem-solving skills while developing social and communication skills. It helps to foster a positive learning environment and can help reduce stress and boredom associated with traditional learning techniques. It also helps to reduce discipline problems and create an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork within the classroom.

Collaborative learning encourages each student to contribute. Instead of relying on the teacher to provide the information, students can work together to find the answer. Working together enables them to ask the right questions and consider different perspectives. It also helps foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, as each student must develop ideas and solutions. Additionally, students can learn from each other as they share their perspectives. The old teaching methods and teaching tools are being upgraded.

Learning by doing

Educational methods that emphasize learning by doing encourage students to learn through practical and hands-on experiences.

This approach provides students with the opportunity to:

  • Apply what they are learning in a more meaningful way.
  • Develop critical thinking.
  • Develop problem-solving skills.
  • Provide a more engaging learning environment.
  • Increase their motivation and engagement.

Students are more likely to remember concepts if they have actively participated in learning them.

Some of the most common types of learning by educational methods are:

  • Simulations.
  • Projects.
  • Debates.
  • Observation and reflection.
  • Problem-based learning.

Simulations allow students to explore complex concepts, while projects can help them develop critical thinking skills. Debates provide an opportunity to understand different points of view and use logic to form arguments. Observation and reflection are great ways to engage students and help them learn through analysis and contemplation.


Simulations are educational methods that allow students to explore complex concepts and develop real-world understanding. They often involve role-playing and real-world scenarios that help students learn by doing rather than memorizing text. In a simulation, students may use real-world tools and apply what they have learned in a safe and controlled environment.


This methodology encourages students to think outside the box and use their creativity. It also encourages them to use their critical thinking skills to develop real-world solutions. The students can experiment and establish applied knowledge, using their theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.


Debates are an educational method that encourages students to think critically about a given topic and engage in thoughtful analysis. Debates can help students explore various issues, broaden their perspectives, and build their argumentation skills. Debates involve students presenting their opinions, addressing the opposing side’s arguments, and constructing counterarguments.

Debates are also an effective way to prepare students for future responsibilities like college and careers.

Debate encourages students to:

  • Support their views logically.
  • Consider the views of their opponents.
  • Practice public speaking.
  • Learn to work together collaboratively.
  • Give feedback to one another constructively.
  • Conclude.
  • Gain a better understanding of their views.

Observation and reflection

This teaching method encourages students to observe their surroundings, notice patterns, and conclude. Students reflect on the observations to draw deeper meanings and implications. This enables students to think critically and further their understanding of the material.

Problem-based learning (PBL)

Problem-based learning is an active learning method that engages learners in an iterative problem-solving process. Each PBL problem is centered around goals, including gathering knowledge and mastering skills related to the issue. This method allows learners to discover, analyze, and resolve problems independently. This helps them to gain an increased understanding of the subject matter while developing their problem-solving skills.

There are many different educational methodologies, such as individualized instruction, cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and project-based learning, each of which serves its purpose. Each educational method has its advantages and drawbacks, so it is important to analyze the factors of each situation to find the best fit. Ultimately, the most beneficial learning approach will depend on the student, the subject matter, and the context of the learning setting.