Educational Technology for Students With Special Needs


As many of you know, my adventure down the organizing road commenced with my son. Who knew that his iPad and iTouch might become his regular partners? My steady search to find ways to untangle his school world led me to uncover many years to be had at the technology systems he uses daily.


IPad Apps

More and more faculties permit students to use iPads and iPod Touches in the lecture rooms. Consequently, these sorts of educational packages are growing by leaps and boundaries. For students with special desires, check out the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Apps for Special Education, a list compiled utilizing assistive technology professionals, broken down using the class, including math, writing, artwork, etc. These apps are existence-changing for the unique needs of scholars.

Also, test out “The iPad: a Near-Miracle for My Son with Autism.” Written from a mother’s angle about her autistic son’s use of assistive era and educational apps. She gives brilliant tips and even movies about her usage of various apps.

Educational Technology

Many aare also available to middle and high school students on their iPads that assist in making studying making interactive and tasty. The Elements(exploring the Periodic Table) and Alien Equation(games that educate math talents) are simply some apps that scholars could experience.

So many new instructional apps appear each day that it would be prudent to check out evaluations first, specifically ones on which teachers have positioned their stamp of approval. I Education Apps Review has a group that needs to help you get started.

Cell Phone Apps For Students with ADHD

I spend several hours running with excessive college students to assist them with paper and time control talents. The learning has been two-way as my students continually share their favored mobile smartphone features that advantage their mastering, time management, and have a look at capabilities. Other than the basics, consisting of calendars and alarms, right here are some of their favorites:



Do I want to mention greater? Suppose they may be allowed to hold their cellphone to magnificence. In that case, using the digital camera feature to snap photos of the blackboard or SMART Board after magnificence will ensure they do not omit essential elegance notes or assignments. In addition, images can also serve as a useful visual reminder of what a pupil desires to get done. For example, a picture of the scholar’s soccer equipment laid out will remind me what desires to be packed up earlier than avoiding practice.

Text Messaging


Yes, you heard me efficiently. Students can use Google SMS to get definitions, records, and conversations sent without delay to their phones. Online to-do lists, including Remember the Milk (Love!), can send alerts or instant messages reminding college students of an upcoming undertaking, deadline, check, or appointment. Students may even get hold of flashcards and look at substances immediately on their phones, allowing them to take a look anywhere they’re.

Although many of these technologies are used to assist students with unique desires, they’re useful for any student looking for tech-savvy strategies to streamline their instruction globally.

The Future of Educational Technology and Education 3.0

Thinking of what schooling might appear to be like in the subsequent decade, one quickly realizes that the developments in a generation are leaving a huge variety of our students behind. We now do not live in an age of visible movement on the subject of progress and innovation. Today is an age of exponential change. New and ever-improving technologies are sprouting up every day and in every corner of society.

Educating the first-rate and the brightest in this brave new international will take a new and advanced academic paradigm. Allowing our tutorial equipment to age inside the nook of the lecture room may be the error that might cost us our destiny. Throwing away loads of kids to inequitable access will ensure that we languish at the lowest of the worldwide pool of employable employees for decades to return.

The New Toolbox

A few years ago, I was at a public sale and noticed a few vintage woodworking tools I should use. For a few bucks, I was able to snag a collection of hand gear that could have been in a person’s toolbox for a generation or greater. As the next decade passed, I used these tools in my shop for extensive kinds of projects till my tasks outgrew this vintage, dull equipment. My woodworking creations persevered to improve, as did my abilities and artistry. I quickly determined that using advanced tools would translate into advanced craftsmanship. As any woodworker will tell you, new gear requires new skills.

Woodworking is a high-quality metaphor for shaping and molding college students. There is honestly no excellent substitute for a sharp tool. If you need to build the most pleasant projects possible, you want to use feasible first-class equipment. Thinking in phrases of the following decade for our country, we can be sorely dissatisfied with our projects if we fail to enhance our tools.

Educational games

Within this newsletter, I will try to paint an image of how the generation will form how we teach students within the subsequent decade. I will strive to reveal the notable opportunities that lay earlier than us if we can walk via the entrance of open possibilities. My cognizance can be this idea: Transforming the student from being a passenger to becoming a “person.” You may be wondering what I suggest by this. Let me explain.

Ask yourself what it means to be a “consumer.” A user isn’t always honestly someone who makes use of. For the student, being a person needs to use the modern-day generation in an unfastened and self-reliant manner. This newfound freedom will permit the pupil to emerge as an energetic participant in their education instead of a passive passenger. No different time in records have we been able to make this a fact.

In our modern-day technological society, being a person also approaches being tracked. Tracking has to be a major part of our daily lives and is the engine that should force our instructional manner for the foreseeable future. Tracking a scholar’s way of having the capacity to goal education toward weaknesses and strengths. The potential should be personalized curriculum to the character, which has been the holy grail of tutorial philosophy for decades. This golden age of technological improvement might also quickly allow this dream to become a fact.


The current educational curriculum and individual evaluation are bigoted nicely. Assessing a scholar appropriately can be done by hand using contemporary monitoring and database technologies. We can make this a truth with ease available and most effective desires to be taken off the shelf for use. This may only be the case if Congress searches for a shovel-ready assignment.

Imagine a world wherein each infant has a pill laptop geared up to get admission to the App of a virtually photographic memory (net). Further, believe that each pupil can access all humankind’s information freely at any time. Continue to assume a global wherein a misspelled phrase brings up a spelling task software rather than a car correction. Try to ponder what it might mean for an instructor to have a database of every misspelled phrase, every misunderstood concept, or every ignored equation for each student. Try to check with an instructor to personalize the person’s “user” reveal with minimum effort. Imagine the curriculum automatically targeted through an intuitive educational platform that knows every energy and each particular weak point. I ought to pass on, but I think you get the factor.

Student Portal

The employer that makes this well-known information available to the educational community can be the company that shapes humankind’s destiny. Will it be Google, Apple, Microsoft, or another unknown pioneer?

Continuing from the mind in my closing submission, I would like to examine the pupil as a consumer of a new standardized educational platform. The future of training will always replicate our regular lives in one manner or another. If you look at how the era has motivated your everyday life already, you start to put together a picture of what it’ll mean to be educated in the next decade.

In the previous couple of hundred years, most individuals couldn’t forget schooling as something you acquire. You regularly hear the question requested, “Where did you receive your training?” As we continue through the subsequent decade, training will slowly move away from reception and move in the direction of being custom-designed for the character person. New technology will most effectively permit us to receive schooling and develop an education. The question we would ask in 10 years is, “How did you broaden your training?” The question of which will nonetheless be vital, but the how of the matter may be the point of interest that defines the character.

To make this a reality, we want a standardized platform to expand a scholar’s unique education. This standardized platform will permit us to tailor a custom curriculum with the purpose matched to skills, interests, and existing dreams. For educators, a standardized platform will create a way to help students come across a true reason for their lifestyles through unique educational enjoyment. The fundamentals of analyzing, writing, and arithmetic will not be learned as much as they may be found and used. Learning becomes a reciprocal experience between the teacher, the pupil, and the system.

Under a standardized platform, each member may have a position to play. The teacher might be the facilitator, supporting the curriculum’s improvement and inspiring the scholar’s direction. The student could accumulate resources, abilities, and information in an efficient and measured series. The machine will gather facts and analyze them to assist the instructor and pupil in refining the curriculum. This information-collecting painting of the gadget may even free the trainer from the weight of file-maintaining and tedious duties that currently distract from the real process of coaching and gaining knowledge.

Under a standardized device, a grade degree could be a long way, much less important. Achievement and progression might be measured by accomplishment and intelligence as a benchmark for fulfillment. The question of failure or fulfillment will be beside the point and replaced with a popular and constant measurement of potential and usual intelligence. Information will not be missed but is usually rehearsed and monitored for retention using the system.

In our modern-day academic paradigm, the trainer is guilty of arbitrarily constructing a curriculum. This approach to curriculum development is primarily based on inexperience in a few instances, previous materials, inadequate investment, and a scarcity of time. Measuring the fulfillment of a specific curriculum is currently impossible. With a standardized gadget, comparisons of curricular achievement can be made across the entire spectrum of schooling, after which it is continually reformulated and more suitable through the gadget.

Sadly, instructors today are slowed down with various mind-numbing duties that would be better-perfect to an off-the-shelf computerized system. Tasks, information tracking, reporting, and record preserving are currently completed manually. These tasks could, without problems, be delegated to an intuitive database. Developing a trendy way to comply with those obligations might do away with them and unfasten the trainer to do their essential task of teaching students.