Career Clusters, A Bridge Between Education and Career Planning


Since the 1960s, career cluster assets have been used as professional exploration and planning gear in colleges, getting to know communities, and agencies nationwide. Career Clusters are a system that suits educational and career planning.

Step 1: Identifying Career Cluster Interest Areas

Career clusters are agencies of comparable occupations and industries. When instructors, counselors, and mother and father paint with teenagers, college students, and adults, the first step is to complete a professional cluster assessment. The assessment identifies the very best professional cluster areas. Career checks display teens, college students, and adults scores from one of the following sixteen Interests Areas or Clusters:

1. Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources

2. Architecture & Construction

3. Arts, A/V Technology & Communication

4. Business, Management & Administration

5. Education & Training

6. Finance

7. Government & Public Administration

8. Health Science

9. Hospitality & Tourism

Career Clusters,

10. Human Services

11. Information Technology

12. Law, Public Safety & Security

13. Manufacturing

14. Marketing, Sales & Service

15. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

16. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Step 2: Exploring Career Clusters and Related Careers

After pinpointing the highest profession clusters, young adults, university students, and adults explore one-of-a-kind careers and create schooling plans. Career cluster equipment utilized in the profession and educational making plans encompass:


LISA: A complete professional cluster database

  • Models
  • Brochures
  • Pathways
  • High school plan of examine
  • Interest and Skills Areas
  • Crosswalks

The Louisiana Integrated Skills Assessment (LISA), an Internet program, is one of the most precise comprehensive career cluster assets. LISA helps you explore professional clusters, careers, talents, training necessities, and more. After completing a career cluster assessment, young adults, college students, and adults observe internet sites, career models, brochures, pathways, and excessive school plans. There are three steps in the LISA application:

STEP 1: Click right here to select a Career Cluster

STEP 2: Click here to choose a Career Group

STEP 3: Explore Occupations within this Career Group

In Step 1, you may see a cluster description when you select a profession cluster. You notice exceptional careers When selecting a career institution in Step 2. Finally, in step three, you know a wealth of information:

Even though LISA is a remarkable program, you need to publish substances in the schoolroom or workshop settings. When using published materials, the professional version is satisfactory to start with. Models are a first-rate way to introduce career clusters. They offer exquisite overviews listing the cluster definitions, sample careers, pathways, knowledge, and talents. Visual models show career clusters, cluster subgroups, and related jobs.

The career cluster brochures provide additional information for displays, workshops, and institution discussions. Adults and young adults examine the specific careers available in every profession cluster. Teachers, counselors, and mothers and fathers use the brochures to solidify adults’ and young adults’ career or educational choices. The brochures cover topics that include:

  • Definition of professional clusters
  • Careers
  • Career pathways
  • Employment outlooks
  • Skills
  • Credentials

Teachers, counselors, dads, and moms use career pathways for greater specified records. The professional pathways are subgroups or regions of awareness within career clusters. Each pathway includes career corporations. Career corporations have comparable academic abilities, technical abilities, academic necessities, and education requirements. Career pathways are plans of observation that outline required secondary publications, postsecondary courses, and associated careers. The professional pathways are vital equipment teachers, counselors, dads and moms, and different adults use to give instructional planning recommendations.

Several net sites feature High School Plans of Study. These look at plans displaying required, elective, and advised publications for each grade stage. The school plans also suit the profession clusters to related careers and profession pathways, and put up secondary options. Teachers, counselors, and dads and moms find those school plans are courses for selecting the proper high faculty publications to match capacity careers. Beyond excessive college, the Utah System of Higher Education has created a College Major Guide. Parents, teachers, and counselors can use the guide to fit college majors into Certificate and Degree Programs.

Additional Resources for Counselors and Teachers

There are detailed knowledge, Skills charts, and Cluster Crosswalks for making curriculum and educational package plans. Knowledge and skills extend upon the data indexed in the profession cluster fashions. There are overall performance factors and size standards for every know-how and talent vicinity. Crosswalks show the relationships among profession clusters and different career fashions:

Career clusters build a bridge between education and career planning. Teachers, counselors, mothers, and fathers use professional cluster assets to manage the profession and academic planning effectively. Different professional cluster resources are available: films, internet websites, booklets, brochures, interest sheets, and workbooks. sisal


American Careers Career Paths, Career Communications, 6701 W. Sixty-fourth St., Overland, KS 66202, 800-669-7795

Career Click, Illinois Department of Employment Security,33 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60603, (312) 793-5700

CIP Code Index through Career Cluster, Adult & Postsecondary CTE Division, Bureau of Career and Technical Education, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126, (717) 772-0814

Cluster and Career Videos, Career One Stop, U.S. Department of Labor, Frances Perkins Building, two hundred Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210, 866-4-USA-DOL

College Major Guide Utah System for Higher Education, Board of Regents Building, The Gateway, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1284, (801) 321-7100

Find Careers (Videos), iSeek Solutions, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Wells Fargo Place, 30 7th St. E., Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55101-7804

Career Planning

High School Plans of Study, New Hampshire Department of Education, one hundred and one Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301-3860, (603) 271-3494. Introduction to Career Clusters, Career Education, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, P.O. Box 543 Blacklick, OH 43004-0544, Louisiana Integrated Skills Assessment (LISA), the customized Internet version of OSCAR, a made from the Texas Workforce Commission/Career Development Resources, TWC/CDR, Austin, TX 78753

Maryland Career Clusters, Maryland State Department of Education two hundred West Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21201,

Rhodes Island’s Career Clusters, Rhode Island’s Career Resource Network, 1511 Pontiac Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920, 401-462-8790

School to Career Clusters, State of Connecticut, Department of Labor, Job Bank, 645 South Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457, (860)754-5000

States’ Career Clusters Initiative (SCCI), 1500 W. Seventh Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074
Career Pathway Plans, Career Cluster, Knowledge and Skills Charts

VTECS Cluster Frameworks, VTECS, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA, 30033,404-679-4501 ext 543

What are Career Clusters? Career Prospects System, New Mexico Career Resource Network, CAREER TECHNICAL AND WORKFORCE EDUCATION BUREAU (CTWEB), Education Building, three hundred Don Gaspar, Santa Fe, NM 87501, (505) 827-6512